
This soft closing solution is designed for concealed hinges with 170 degree opening angle. It assures a life-long reliable performance and comes with our Confident Close: silent, fast and safe soft closing system. Consumers love the tool-free assembly and the easily accessible damping adjustment button.

Glissando TL170 Damping adjustment

Adjustable Damping

Hinge damping can be adjusted to fit different types of doors.


Glissando TL 170 creates soft closing that is characterized by fast closing, late start of deceleration action and quiet landing with SoftTouch. 

Just 1 hinge damper per 2 or 3 hinges

Just One Glissando per Two or Three Hinges

Just one Glissando per two or three hinges suffices to ensure maximum efficiency. Damping force is easily adapted and provides a consistent performance on doors of different sizes and weights. 

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Glissando TL170